Xterra King of the Hill – The Paul version

>Pete covered the drive down and hotel, but he failed to mention he sat in the passenger seat the whole time and I was the pilot.  Driving is not relaxing for me, but we made it safe and sound.  As also mentioned the bagels in NJ are awesome, there are actually hills, and there was no…

Xterra Patanella’s King of the Hill

Paul and I headed to Lebanon, NJ this past weekend to race the Xterra Patanella’s King of the Hill.  I was doing the duathlon and Paul the Triathlon. It’s been a long time since I have traveled more than 2 hours for a race.  Excluding my half marathon vacation trips of course, but those don’t…

New Toy

In my 23+ years of racing I have never owned a “real” time trial bike.  I always had to make do with my road race bike and clip on aero bars.  That has now changed! As a “reward” to myself for my promotion at work I picked up a 2011 Trek Speed Concept 7.0 from…

Xterra Stoaked Weekend

Xterra Stoaked Weekend and North Rail Trail Ride August 6-7, 2011 Paul was competing in the Xterra Stoaked Triathlon in Hanover, NH this past weekend and I wanted to once again test out my bikepacking/touring setup.  It was the perfect excuse to also check out the Northern Rail Trail from Franklin to Lebanon, NH.  This…

Black Fly Tri International Distance – July 9th

This is Paul posting for the first time.  This past Saturday was my 2nd triathlon of 2011, the Black Fly Tri in Waterville Valley, NH.  They called it an international distance, but it  was more like a really long sprint distance with a 440 yard swim, 20.5 mile bike ride, and a 5 mile run. …